Thursday, May 20, 2010

Grandfather Mountain Elevation Map

So that's not as bad as one might think - net elevation gain of 1000 feet or so. I'm a little worried that I'll accelerate on the downhill between 10 and 13 and then pay for it the last few miles - so I'll have to be careful about that.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Pieces are Falling into Place

I now have 13 ten mile runs in the last 30 days. These are all solid runs at 725 pace or better, and they have felt progressively more natural and comfortable especially in the last week. I feel like I now have the base to go for 12 and 13 mile runs, and to do some more focused speed work which will probably take the form of 10x400 runs at a local track in the 1:30 or 6 minute pace neighborhood.

I have also been better about my diet in the past few weeks. I have cut ice cream, pizza, burgers, soda, and substituted popsicles, tomato sandwiches, Gatorade, and salmon or tuna - and a few ounces of whey protein after each run.

I think I will be ready for a very good race at Grandfather on July 10. And then Baltimore in October. My plan is to qualify for Boston and then run it next April in 3 hours or better. Boo yah.

10 miles at 717 pace

Friday, May 14, 2010

Ten miles at 719

Building a strong base, proud of that. Cross training with weights and targeting my leg muscles with leg extension, calf raise, hamstring extension and squat exercises. Eating lots of Alaska pink salmon and tuna as a source of muscle building protein. Doing 100 pushups a day to make my upper body strong - but not bulky.

Garmin Connect

Trying to put all the pieces together so that when the Grandfather Mountain Marathon rolls around in 2 months, I will be prepared to finish in the top 10% on that great big green field with the bagpipes and Highland Games in the background. Should be a fabulous day.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ten miles at 718

Then 5k later in the day after work. Also joined a gym where I'm going to focus on using the weight machines to target specific muscle groups like the quads, calves, shoulders, abs. Feeling good!